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电话: 86-022-58577728
姓名: niyu
Tianjin Jinsheng Hong Xiang Chemical Co., Ltd

  我公司规模较大,服务到位,您的需求就是我们***终所追求的***快乐!希望您的来信,我公司相信只有想不到的,没有做不到的,只要您轻轻的动动您的电脑按键,我们将会从此系在一起! ...

主要产品/业务: Our large-scale service in place, your needs is our ultimate pursuit of maximum pleasure! Hope your letter, I believe that only think of, no can not do, as long as you gently touch of your computer keys, we will from this system together!

Tianjin Jinsheng Hong Xiang Chemical Co., Ltd / 天津 / West Road, Nankai District, Tianjin, urban and rural areas a (30000 ) / 电话:86-022-58577728

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